Tag: knowledge

Gelar Doctor Honoris Causa

Salah satu gelar kehormatan ini sering diberikan kepada tokoh yang dianggap telah berjasa atau berkarya bagi ilmu pengetahuan umat...

Space Trip by NASA, in 2020!

Who wants to travel to space with NASA? Follow AKUTAHU untuk mendapatkan informasi positif dan menarik yang menambah wawasanmu

Jejak Islam di Eropa

Selain Spanyol dan negara Eropa lainnya yang terkenal dengan jejak Islamnya, mari mengenal 3 negara Eropa ini yang ternyata juga memiliki...

These Countries Ban 737 MAX 8 to Fly

Kemenhub baru saja melarang penerbangan pesawat Boeing 737 MAX 8. Ternyata, negara lain juga melakukan hal yang sama

The Largest Bee in the World, Found in Maluku!

Recently, Wallace giant bee, the largest bee, have been found in Maluku Island after lost in 38 years What do you know about Bee?

US Midwest is Freezing

Midwest US was freezing on Thursday. Although things get better, Let’s pray the weather get normal as soon as possible!

All you need to know about : Super Blood Wolf Moon

Super Blood Wolf Moon will happen this day. This is a good news for astronomers, stargazers and sky lovers. Be ready, you won’t see...

Brexit is Heating UK Politics

Parliament rejected UK’s Prime Minister proposal on Brexit, a UK planned withdrawal from European Union. This is heating UK’s politics...

Ivanka Trump for World Bank President?

A suprising news, Ivanka Trump is one of the possible candidate of World Bank president. Ivanka may not known as economist, but she...

More Than 1 Year, Qatar Still Survives the Blockade

On June 2017, Qatar was blockaded by its Gulf neighbors, in land, sea and airspace. But, this small country is still survive. Qatar’s...

Global Economy Is Going Dark

World Bank is warning against future global economic slowdown due to many problems. Are you still optimist?

76th Golden Globe Awards Highlights

76th Golden Globe Awards were held on last Sunday (6/1). These prestigious award were given to those who were dedicated to film and...