Tag: infographic

Mata Panda yang Mengganggu

Mata panda atau lingkaran hitam di bawah mata dianggap mengganggu penampilan. Beberapa orang risih melihatnya Apa sih penyebab mata...

In Search of Manchester United Manager

Manchester United is seeking a new manager. These people are the popular candidates among netizens. Who do you think is the most suitable?...

Antisipasi Mudik Natal & Tahun Baru 2019

Libur telah tiba Sobat Akutahu sudah ada rencana untuk mudik?

Jose Mourinho, Pelatih Fenomenal dari Portugal

Walaupun baru Diberhentikan dari kursi pelatih MU, Mourinho adalah salah satu pelatih terbaik yang ada pada masa ini. Bagaimana Perjalanan...

Near-Perfect 4.400-Year-Old Tomb Discovered

The tomb found recently in Egypt well-preserved condition. The color is almost intact 4.400-year-old It is the final resting place...

Deer Poacher Sentenced to Watch Bambi Multiple Times

David Berry killed unbelievable number of deer, causing the judge to order him watching Bambi, during his sentence. This animated...

Lubang Misterius di Surabaya

Selasa malam (18/12), muncul lubang besar di salah satu jalan utama Surabaya Sampai saat ini, pihak berwajib dan ahli geologi sedang...

15-Year-Old Girl Encourages Climate Change Protestors

A 15 year old, Greta Thunberg, is young, but she has done many things to act against climate change. What have you done at age 15?

Kotak Suara Karton

Pemilu serentak 2019 nanti kotak suara bukan lagi berbahan alumunium melainkan karton anti air, bukan berbahan kardus yang sering...

Magical, Tokyo Disneyland Is The Happiest Place in The...

Tokyo Disneyland is called as the happiest place on earth for holiday. It is based on survey from Instagram's users. Make the dreams...

Jejak Sepatu dari Masa Lalu

Sepatu menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari masyarakat. Sejak dahulu kala, digunakan untuk melindungi kaki, mempercantik penampilan...

Cendol, a Surprisingly Unique Dessert

For those who live in Indonesia, A glass of Cendol is important as dope in the hot weather. It is a popular streetfood in the hot...